Equity Crowdfunding

The Definitive Equity Crowdfunding Primer e-book
The Crowdfunding you will read about in this e-book is equity crowdfunding which is allows individuals in the “crowd” to own a share of a company in exchange money.
Price: $0.00
How to Create a Winning Business Plan e-book
Looking for capital? It starts with creating a business plan. This 40 page e-book is filled with tips, suggestions and templates to assist an entrepreneur in getting started on the task of building a business plan. Its a great place to start for a new entrepreneur. FREE DOWNLOAD!
Price: $0.00
The Snakes and Ladders of Capital Structures
This e-book walks you through the structure of shares within a company, the options for them, and the varieties of their use as a company grows. After reading the chapter, you should be able to: o Know the significance of share structure: common, preferred, and stock options, and how they can help or hinder the company’s growth o Understand the basic arithmetic involved in calculating share structures o Describe the key elements in dilution o Understand the concept of triangulation and its significance
Price: $24.95
Capitalization Table Model
Structuring an equity capital deal requires a capitalization table. A capitalization table or “cap” table summarizes the ownership position of all shareholders of a company. This capitalization table spreadsheet model will help you understand pre and post money valuations; in addition by changing values it will show you how ownership positions may change with each ensuing financing round. This is useful in seeing the impact of any deal on the share structure of a company. FREE DOWNLOAD!
Price: $0.00
Non-Disclosure Agreement Samples
We are not giving legal advice by providing these samples so please consult your lawyer on the wording that is appropriate for your situation.
Price: $0.00
Legal Disclosure Templates
Here are a few samples of disclaimers that are normally placed on the page behind the title page of your business plan document. We are not giving legal advice so please consult your lawyer on the wording that is appropriate for your situation.
Price: $0.00
How to effectively communicate your investment story
This e-book sets the stage for Sizzle. After reading this e-book you should be able to: o Understand the need for a finely-crafted value proposition or pitch o Know which “stakeholders” in the success of your company are interested in your value proposition o Understand why you and your company can benefit internally from preparing well-crafted presentation materials and value messages o Outline what investors are looking for as “red flags” in presentation materials and value messages o Explain what an investment value proposition is and why it is important to articulate it clearly o Identify key components of value messages that investors are looking for, and what they don’t want to see o Know the ten mistakes that you must work to avoid when presenting your communications package, and why these mistakes can be deadly.
Price: $14.95
Investment Summary Templates
In this product there are three investment summary document templates (each a different style) that will help describe your investment opportunity to investors. It might be all the investor needs initially to determine if a follow up call is warranted
Price: $14.95
Business Analysis 1 - Measuring Markets
In this e-book we take a detailed look at the elements an entrepreneur must measure, assess and consider when deciding if the business is viable. After reading this e-book you should be able to: o Explain the importance of fact-based business analysis for you, the entrepreneur, and for potential investors o Describe aspects of your market, including size, sector, value, and growth potential o Explain key concepts involved in undertaking market research o Describe the importance of the customer to all aspects of the business o Identify common flaws and omissions in conducting market research, and their potential implications for the business o Describe some methods for measuring markets and understand the pros and cons of each. o Explain components of market research that is of special interest to potential investors o Describe key features of customer leverage and how it works to attract investors.
Price: $19.95
How-To Prepare 10 or 20 minute Investor PowerPoint Presentations
This e-book comes with two sample Powerpoint templates (34 slides in total) and an 8 page word document providing a blow-by-blow or shall we say slide-by-slide account of what you should present in your 10 and 20 minute PowerPoint presentations. This product gives you the insights and confidence you need in crafting a presentation with the investor in mind.
Price: $19.95
Investor Communication Toolkit - Checklist
A six page detailed checklist of the materials an entrepreneur needs to prepare for raising capital. It provides a comprehensive overview on what is needed and the information that needs to be contained in the various documents.
Price: $4.95
Market Research Tool Box
Don't underestimate the power of information and market intelligence gathering as they are important factors in creating a successful company. This 47 powerpoint slide product provides you with an overview of the tools you can use in conducting market research to make better decisions and to solve nagging problems. Investors want to see that you have done your homework and have a good handle on customers, competitors and industry dynamics.
Price: $9.95
 Industry and Competitive Market Research e-book & PPT
Generally used in preparing your business plan, secondary research (research using the Internet, databases, third party reports, etc) is used to determine market size, industry trends and the nature of the competitive landscape. This e-book and accompanying powerpoint provides tips, suggestions and techniques to get the information you need fast. It also provides short abstracts on the business analysis techniques you could use once the information is obtained. This bundled product contains a 67 page powerpoint and a 60 page word document. Don’t underestimate market research. It shows investors you’ve done your homework!
Price: $9.95
How to Build a Financial Model - E-book
After reading the e-book you should be able to: • The difference between bottom-up and top-down forecasting • The principle of leverage points and their roles in the company’s decision making process • The importance of determining accurately both cost and time estimates • The value of using sensitivity analysis • The role that scalability plays in financial modelling
Price: $0.00
Financial Model with Sensitivity Analysis - Service Based Revenue Based
These powerful models can both save time and also money for a busy entrepreneur needing to demonstrate how the business “pencils out”. These model templates include revenue forecasting sheets, cost assumption sheets that then automatically generate financial statements such as Income, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow statements. The accompanying instructions make it easy to understand how the financial model works and what the logic behind the inputs. There are four different types of models based upon business type – Subscription based, Service Oriented, Production based Products and E-Commerce oriented.
Price: $35.95
Financial Model with Sensitivity Analysis - Product Revenue Based
These powerful models can both save time and also money for a busy entrepreneur needing to demonstrate how the business “pencils out”. These model templates include revenue forecasting sheets, cost assumption sheets that then automatically generate financial statements such as Income, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow statements. The instructions make it easy to understand how the financial model works and what the logic behind the inputs. There are four different types of models based upon business type – Subscription based, Service Oriented, Production based Products and E-Commerce oriented.
Price: $35.95
Financial Model with Sensitivity Analysis - Subscription Revenue Based
These powerful models can both save time and also money for a busy entrepreneur needing to demonstrate how the business “pencils out”. These model templates include revenue forecasting sheets, cost assumption sheets that then automatically generate financial statements such as Income, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow statements. The instructions make it easy to understand how the financial model works and what the logic behind the inputs. There are four different types of models based upon business type – Subscription based, Service Oriented, Production based Products and E-Commerce oriented.
Price: $35.95
Valuation (DCF, multiples, judgemental) model
It’s a difficult task to establish a company's valuation - particularly a start-up company. This simulation tool helps establish valuation estimates as guidelines for discussion with investors. Valuating a company is an art; yet this tool gives an entrepreneur an idea of what constitutes value.
Price: $19.95
Financial Model with Sensitivity Analysis - E-Commerce Revenue Based
These powerful models can both save time and also money for a busy entrepreneur needing to demonstrate how the business “pencils out”. These model templates include revenue forecasting sheets, cost assumption sheets that then automatically generate financial statements such as Income, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow statements. The instructions make it easy to understand how the financial model works and what the logic behind the inputs. There are four different types of models based upon business type – Subscription based, Service Oriented, Production based Products and E-Commerce oriented.
Price: $35.95
Human Resources Financial Model
This model helps you plan the number and type of employees to recruit, their salaries and the timing of hire. The human resource expense for a company although very important can be the largest cost component. This tool helps an entrepreneur optimize these valuable resources.
Price: $19.95
Due Diligence Checklist
This free 6 page due diligence checklist provides an entrepreneur with the type of documents and information an investor will likely be looking to review. It is a handy resource to ensure the company's records are in order.
Price: $4.95
Investment Lexicon (Language of Investment)
Every organization, sector, culture or industry has one - a lexicon of terms used to uniquely describe something specific that a group's membership understands. These are words or phrases that hold specific meaning. Download this free lexicon and get familiar with the language of investment. You'll find it useful to understand the terms used by investors. FREE DOWNLOAD!
Price: $0.00
SWOT Template
This tool is a 11 page template and accompanied spreadsheet is used by entrepreneurs to think about their companies external and internal environments. Internally assessing a company’s strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) as well as external factors such as opportunities (O) and threats (T). FREE DOWNLOAD!
Price: $0.00



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