effective market research techniques
Workshop. Accelerating Business Value with Market Research
I’m giving a workshop on Accelerating Business Value with Market Research on Wednesday, December 7 at SFU Harbour Centre in downtown Vancouver. This is an ideal workshop for managers at all levels. Bonus: sign up by November 15 and you’ll get a $80 discount off the regular price.
Effective Market Research Techniques for Entrepreneurs, Market Segmentation, Business Decision-Making and More
What will you learn? You’ll get tools and insights on how to use research techniques to accelerate business growth. Learn how to:
- Scope the market size of your market using 7 highly effective techniques.
- Segment your markets and position your products or services.
- Generate new product ideas, test concepts and products and measure market performance.
- Gather competitor information.
- Do market research to help you make better decisions.
The workshop’s speakers will include:
- Lyn Blanchard of Creekstone Consulting Inc.
- Matt Shepherd , Mustel Research Group (questionnaire design)
- David Humphrey, Jostle Corporation (usability studies)
- James Mazur, President, GoneFishing Consulting Inc. (consumer market research)
- Dean Prelazzi, VP BC Innovation Council (research for decision-making)
- Jason Cyr, President Tiipz (Social Media Research).
Need more reasons to come to the workshop? Participants receive a 100 page booklet on market research, hear from expert speakers, learn from case studies and much, much more.
Register today for Accelerating Business Value with Market Research

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