startup success strategy

Comments on How to Create Serial Entrepreneurs

I asked for comments on my last email concerning “how to create serial entrepreneurs and had some terrific insights provided by those who read the article. If you recall I wrote that there was no lack of entrepreneurial spirit north of the USA, but in some ways, Canada’s business environment doesn’t provide the best conditions for entrepreneurs to succeed. We provided some suggestions, like better-focused education and mentorship programs, as well as making it easier for entrepreneurs who do fail to fail fast but fail cheaply, so they can dust themselves off and get back at it or move on and work for someone else.

Some Comments on How To Create a Supportive Entrepreneur Landscape

Here are some of the reactions to our question about how to provide a more supportive environment for entrepreneurs:

Steven Jones, Vice President at Pulse Energy says the best way to encourage entrepreneurship is to help them overcome a communications gap and make an essential connection:

“It appears that there is a very large and pervasive communication gap between problem solvers (entrepreneurs) and problem sufferers (potential customers.) 

The result is an abundance of entrepreneurs focused exclusively on technology and business problems.  This is because entrepreneurs often come from a background of engineering or business education and that’s all they know about.  This means that there is extreme competition to solve the valuable problems in these limited domains.  Even worse, many of these problem solvers end up resorting to solving weak or unimportant problems (how many mobile phone games does the world really need?) (more…)

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